Sunday 11 December 2011

Day 7. Week 1 stats

Day 7 photo

This week's stats are in bold:
Stomach: 33.0 -> 32.5
Chest: 31.5 -> 31.25
Biceps: 10.25 -> 10.5
Hip: 37.0 -> 37.0
Thigh: 19.25 -> 18.5
Calf: 13.5 -> 13.5
Weight: 129 lbs -> 130

I weigh a pound more than when I started a week ago, which comes as a huge surprise to me given my dieting and exercising. It's not likely to be an increase in fat since you can see that many of my stats decreased while others remained the same. My thighs especially seem to have gotten considerably smaller. Perhaps I've gained muscle faster than I've lost fat. I'm not sure though. So I'll be tracking my body fat % (BF%) from now on as well. I really should have done this from the start, but it had slipped my mind. I'll be using the online calculator from this website: I realize that online calculators often use different formulas and most are not accurate, but I think if I always use the same one it will provide a good way of tracking my BF% regardless of the actual number. That having been said, when I put my measurements into this calculator, I got a BF% of 26.7, which is close to what I was expecting so I think it's not too far off. Some measurements were required that I didn't make when I first started, so here is a list of my stats including these new numbers:

Week 1 stats:
Stomach: 32.5 in
Chest: 31.25 in
Biceps: 10.5 in
Hip: 37.0 in
Thigh: 18.5 in
Calf: 13.5 in
Waist: 28.75 in
Neck: 12.5 in
Weight: 130 lbs
BF%: 26.7

Today was my rest day, so no exercise. Consumed 1150 calories. I need to eat more. I've been saying that all week...

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