Sunday 25 December 2011

Day 21. Christmas hike

Day 21 photo

Consumed 1850 calories. Hiked for about 5 hours.

Today was supposed to be my rest day, but instead I decided to go for a hike because I haven't been hiking in ages. It was an excellent choice. While other people spent their day celebrating Christmas with friends and family, I immersed myself in the forest and all its vibrancy.

On a side note, when comparing my photo from today and yesterday, it seems that in yesterday's photo I look slimmer than I do in today's photo. Is that possible or do my eyes deceive me?

Edit: I just realized that I never posted my week 3 stats! Oops. Here they are:

Week 3 stats (in bold):
Stomach: 32.5 in -> 32.0
Chest: 31.25 in -> 31.5
Biceps: 10.5 in -> 10.25
Hip: 37.0 in -> 36.75
Thigh: 19.25 in -> 18.75
Calf: 13.25 in -> 13.25
Waist: 28.0 in -> 28.5
Neck: 12.5 in -> 12.5
Weight: 129 lbs -> 130
BF%: 25.7 -> 26.0

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