Monday 19 December 2011

Day 15. Yay holidays

Day 15 photo

Consumed 1850 calories. Did the "fit test." My results overall improved greatly from my first fit test two weeks ago. I'm not sure what happened with the first exercise (switch kicks) though... I think I just wasn't trying very hard. Here are my results:

Switch kicks: 90 -> 80
Power jacks: 48 -> 59
Power knee: 81 -> 103
Power jumps: 20 -> 25
Globe jumps: 6 -> 8
Suicide jumps: 9 -> 13
Pushup jacks: 14 -> 22
Low plank obliques: 43 -> 49

So I finished my report on my year's research progress today, and then I discovered happily that I had no more things to do for the rest of this year! Woo hoo! Let the holidays begin!

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