Saturday 31 December 2011

Day 27. 2011 in review

Day 27 photo

Consumed 1800 calories. Did the "plyometrics" workout.

Obligatory end of the year statement: 2011 in review. It was a good year, but not my best. I'd been hoping that each new year would be better than the last, but not so this year. The beginning was interesting though sad, fraught with goodbyes and tears as I left my friends and family in the US for graduate school in NZ. The middle was uneventful as I went through classes. The end was not so bad, I got to do some traveling around NZ and Aus with my family. I haven't got any regrets about missed opportunities. In fact, the thing about this year that made it stand out was all the initiatives I took to do new things. There were very few opportunities missed if any so I really can't complain. All in all, 2011 was pretty good.

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