Monday 5 December 2011

Day 1. It begins

So let us begin. Here are my day 1 photos:

As you can see, I have quite some fat to lose!

Today I ate only 700 calories. It's not enough, but my stomach can't seem to take more. I get full after eating just a little bit :( I'm sure this problem will be fixed as my workouts continue.

Speaking of workouts, today I started the 60-day Insanity workout program. It begins with a "fit test." Here are my results:

Switch kicks: 90
Power jacks: 48
Power knee: 81
Power jumps: 20
Globe jumps: 6
Suicide jumps: 9
Pushup jacks: 14
Low plank obliques: 43

In two weeks I'll be taking the fit test again. I expect to see increases!

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