Saturday 17 December 2011

Day 13. Potluck party!

Day 13 photo

Consumed 1850 calories. Did the "pure cardio" and "cardio abs" workouts.

So there was a potluck party today. Furthermore, at this party I and many others ate a lot of food. And how! I did, however, make a heroic effort to eat only small portions of the many delicious desserts that had been brought. I have no idea how many calories I actually ingested, but I think 1000 is a good estimate. Good thing I had two workouts planned for today so I could burn off most of it. There is something to be said for eating a lot though- when I did my workouts I discovered I could do more without tiring as fast as before. The extra calories obviously gave me extra stamina and energy. It may be prudent to increase my daily caloric intake to about 1700 rather than the 1400 I'd been aiming for the last few days. We'll reassess tomorrow when I check all my measurements.

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