Monday 12 March 2012

Day 99. Diet calculator

Day 99 photo

Consumed 1750 calories. Did the "core cardio and balance" workout.

Today I discovered a neat online calculator for daily calories and macros. When I finished entering in all my information, it gave me numbers that were very close to what I had calculated by hand for myself based on various formulas that are available online. On the last page of the details generated by the calculator, it shows a weekly breakdown of what my body fat percentage would be if I stuck to my diet. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to follow my diet religiously until my next skinfold test, which is in 2 weeks, and see how close to the calculated body fat percentage I can get. According to this calculator, in 2 weeks I should be at 17.9%. Let's do this!

Here's the link to the calculator:

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