Friday 2 March 2012

Day 89. Skinfold caliper test #2

Day 89 photo

Consumed 2000 calories. Did the "cardio power and resistance" workout.

Went for my second body fat test today. Results: 18.8% body fat! Lost 0.8 lbs fat, gained 0.8 lbs muscle. I do wish the results said a lower number, but I really can't complain considering my diet these last three weeks has been heavily supplemented with chocolate and muffins. Also, this past week I've been eating about 2000 cal/day, so no fat loss happened at all this week.

Based on the test, all the fat I lost came from my butt and thighs. I'm not sure why I didn't lose fat from all over my body, but oh well, fat loss is fat loss. I wonder when the fat on my stomach will go away...

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