Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 105. Week 15 stats

Day 105 photo

Consumed ~1500 calories. Played ping pong.

I had the best veggie stir-fry today in years made for me by a really awesome guy that I met yesterday. Wow, he can really cook! I'll definitely need to enlist his cooking skills often in the future.

Week 15 stats (in bold):
Stomach: 30.0 in -> 30.25
Chest: 30.0 in -> 30.0
Biceps: 10.0 in -> 10.0
Hip: 35.5 in -> 35.5
Thigh: 18.25 in -> 18.25
Calf: 13.25 in -> 13.0
Waist: 26.75 in -> 27.0

Weight: 125.2 lbs -> 124.8

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