Friday 23 March 2012

Day 110. Skinfold test #3 + Clenbutrx

Day 110 photo

Consumed 1750 calories. Did the "max interval circuit" workout.

Got my body fat measured today and it came out to 18%!!!! That's a loss of 0.8% in the last 3 weeks compared to a loss of 0.6% in 4 weeks previously. Furthermore, all my fat loss this time came from my abdomen. It seems the safflower oil supplement does work.

After the test, I decided to start taking Clenbutrx. Took the first dose of 1 ml right after breakfast and within minutes I felt wired, but nothing else out of the ordinary. I'm really glad I didn't take the full recommended dose of 3 ml. I'm not too big a fan of the wired feeling. 6 hours later I took the second dose of 1 ml, but I didn't get the same wired feeling as I did in the morning. An hour later I did my workout. During my workout, I noticed that while I didn't feel like I needed to take breaks (probably due to the Cordyceps), my heart rate went up faster and stayed up longer. I took multiple breaks to lower my heart rate, and at the end I saw that I had burned more than my previous session where I took less breaks. I wonder if it's the Clenbutrx that's causing this since it's a thermogenic. I really ought to take only one supplement at a time so I could assess the efficacy of each one, but god, I just couldn't wait to try out the Clenbutrx after reading all the rave reviews about it!

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