Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 93. Protein cheesecake

Day 93 photo

Consumed 1800 calories. Did the "cardio power and resistance" workout. Commuted to work by cycling.

Today I discovered a recipe for a protein cheesecake. Just reading the ingredients list was enough to convince me that it was a good recipe. This could be the start of a new era of satisfying my sweet tooth in a ridiculously healthy way. We'll see tomorrow if it came out tasting as good as it smells. The original recipe uses fat free cottage cheese, fat free Greek yogurt, splenda, and 1% milk. I could not find the fat free versions, so I got the lite versions. I don't like cow's milk, so I used rice milk. As for splenda, I'm too health-conscious to use artificial sweeteners in favor of lowering the carb content, so I used raw sugar. Following is my modified version. I may change it further after tasting it tomorrow.

Protein cheesecake recipe
makes 4 servings

12 oz lite cottage cheese
10 oz lite Greek yogurt
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup raw sugar
1/4 cup rice milk
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt

Bring all ingredients to room temp. Preheat oven to 325F. Mix. Cover the bottom of a 6" springform pan with parchment paper. Bake for 30 min. Turn the heat down to 200F for 1 hour. Let cool to room temp. Refrigerate overnight.

Macros per serving:
286 calories
37g carbs
22g protein
5g fat

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