Friday 9 March 2012

Day 96. Betta Sweet

Day 96 photo

Consumed 1750 calories. Did the "pure cardio" and "cardio abs" workouts.

Made another protein cheesecake today, this one was Earl grey and lemon flavored. I used a product called "Betta Sweet," which is a mixture of erythritol (from corn) and rebaudioside (from stevia), as my sweetener. I tasted it prior to using it in my recipe- it's quite a bit sweeter than sugar, so I used 3/4 tsp Betta Sweet to 1 tsp raw sugar. Why must these zero calorie natural sweeteners be so expensive?? Oh well, it's worth it! We'll see tomorrow if my cheesecake came out tasting good. It sure does smell heavenly.

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