Monday 27 February 2012

Day 85. Loving my body

Day 85 photo

Consumed 1750 calories. Did the "fit test" workout and some pole dancing.

Fit test results (last fit test -> today):
Switch kicks: 129 -> 135
Power jacks: 67 -> 68
Power knee: 122 -> 110
Power jumps: 48 -> 50
Globe jumps: 11 -> 11
Suicide jumps: N/A -> 19
Pushup jacks: N/A -> 31
Low plank obliques: 80 -> 85

About the power knees, I kept losing coordination between my leg and arms and that distracted me enough to make my speed slower. Oh well.

I was brushing my teeth and happened to glance at my arms in the mirror through sleepy eyes this morning. At first I thought that my still half-closed eyes were deceiving me, but upon closer inspection I discovered that the shadows I was seeing on my arms was the sunlight playing over the muscles that are now closer to the surface. My fat loss has gotten to the point where I am starting to see muscle definition on my arms and legs, and for the first time in my life I am loving my body.

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