Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 83. Erotica expo

Day 83 photo

Consumed 1900 calories. Did a lot of cleaning, unpacking, pole dancing, and about to go out to the clubs for some more dancing! No Insanity today though :(

So there was an erotica expo today. I was all excited about it, but I was sorely disappointed when I arrived. The whole expo fit into one room the size of a lecture hall seating 400-500 people. That's not too bad, but it was just filled with toy vendors. There weren't any cool exhibitions or demonstrations, except one that lasted all of 10 minutes- some guy was being mummified to a wooden pole and then had various degrading names written on his face. Sadly, he was shortly unwrapped and the writings removed. There was only one stage, but it pretty much had a constant flow of shows, which was nice. The shows were entertaining, but very vanilla. Everything was just so vanilla. I was hoping for some intense BDSM displays, but nothing of the sort happened. Oh well.

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