Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 77. Week 11 stats

Day 77 photo

Consumed 1800 calories. Rest day.

Week 11 stats (in bold):

Stomach: 30.5 in -> 31.0
Chest: 31.0 in -> 31.0
Biceps: 10.0 in -> 10.0
Hip: 36.0 in -> 36.0
Thigh: 18.75 in -> 18.75
Calf: 13.25 in -> 13.25
Waist: 27.75 in -> 27.5

Weight: 126.2 lbs -> 126.4

Results of trial #3- 1750 cal/day on most days, 2150 cal every third day (Tuesday and Friday) at 40-30-30:
gained 0.2 lbs and 0.5 inches on my stomach. Not gonna lie, this third trial was not conducted very well. I wasn't able to do as much exercise as I have been previously due to the weather and a wrist injury, and on Tuesday my diet consisted of chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. I don't particularly feel like redoing this trial properly though.

Of the three trials, trial #1 (1750 cal/day at 40-30-30) gave the best results. I'll be sticking with that until I have to change again.

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