Friday 3 February 2012

Day 61. Skinfold caliper test

Day 61 photo

Consumed 1900 calories. Did only half of the "max plyometrics" workout due to a UTI. Commuted to work by cycling.

This morning (after peeing and before eating) I went to a dietitian to get my body fat measured professionally. It was the most complicated half hour-long affair I'd ever gone through. The dietitian had a measuring tape that he used to make sure he was taking the skinfolds at exactly the right places. He drew dots and lines on my body to mark where the skinfolds were to be taken. He took a total of 8 skinfolds from various parts on my body, and he did each one twice to reduce error. He also took 5 girth measurements from various parts on my body, again twice each. He measured my height and weight, too. After it was all said and done, I was told that I had 19.4% body fat. I was so shocked! Here I was expecting a figure around 24%, but no, 19.4%! Well, I'm quite happy to find that I have much less fat on my body than I had thought. Looks like I'm going to have to re-evaluate my goals.

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