Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 179. Baking with protein powder success

Day 179 photo

Consumed 2000 calories. Cycled, pole fitness.

I had pretty much given up on trying to bake with either brown rice protein powder or Myofusion because of negative reasons for each. The brown rice protein powder produces a grainy, dry, and crumbly product that tastes very strongly of brown rice (surprise surprise). The Myofusion messes with the baking process I think because of its high xanthan gum content. It prevents the baked good from baking properly- no matter how long you keep it in the oven, it stays wet in the middle! It also has a sickly sweet taste that masks everything else.

Today I had a burst of brilliance. I mixed the two powders together and made English muffins. The muffins came out fantastic! They were not quite as moist as English muffins should be, but I think adding some more milk and/or Myofusion should fix that.

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