Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 150. What happened??

Day 150 photo

Consumed 2700 calories. Rest day.

Ever since I sprained my shoulder last Thursday, I haven't been able to do my normal exercises. I could walk, but that's all kinds of boring. Excuses aside, I've had a lot of difficulty eating less than 1900 calories/day, which is my maintenance if I do no exercise whatsoever. How do people go through bulking and cutting cycles? I'm pretty sure if I ever decided to bulk, I'd never be able to go back to eating less to cut.

Anyway, today was a wreck. I haven't uncontrollably overeaten like this in a very long time. I just kept eating and eating and eating...and eating. The fat kid in me definitely won this round.

I have no work tomorrow so I'm going on an all-day hike. Take that, inner fat kid! I'm going to get to 15% body fat even if it means dragging my inner fat kid kicking and screaming the whole way there.

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