Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 163. Insanity: the Asylum

Day 163 photo

Consumed 2050 calories. "Performance assessment" and "speed & agility" workouts.

The weather forecast for the rest of this week: rain, rain, rain, and more rain! I love me some rain, but I don't like biking in it. So instead of replacing my usual cycling with an Insanity recovery workout, I started Insanity: the Asylum, hereafter referred to as "Asylum." I like it. It's not quite as high impact as Insanity, and the very nature of the exercises keeps you from going faster until you've got the form right. I'm not sure I like how there are virtually no rests in between exercises, but that may be because this was my first time doing it, and the first time is always more challenging. This first Asylum workout showed me that I lack coordination! Also, trying to use a jump rope while barefoot is not a good idea when the last time one used a jump rope was over a decade ago. Ah, I can only go up from here.

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