Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 168. Week 24 stats

Day 168 photo

Consumed 2050 calories. Rest day.

Week 24 stats (in bold):
Stomach: 30.0 in -> 30.0
Chest: 30.25 in -> 30.25
Biceps: 9.75 in -> 10.0
Hips: 35.5 in -> 36.0
Thigh: 18.5 in -> 19.0
Calf: 13.25 in -> 13.25
Waist: 26.75 in -> 27.0

Skinfold: 11 mm -> 12
Weight: 128.6 lbs -> 130.2

This is absolutely unacceptable. My calorie calculations must be wrong somehow. I should not be gaining! Furthermore, I got the Accu-measure skinfold caliper to add another dimension of tracking. On Wednesday morning (when the caliper arrived), my measurement was 11 mm. Today, it is 12 mm. I highly doubt I could have gained that much fat in such a short amount of time considering I have always been eating at a deficit of at least 15% except on my high carb days when I ate at maintenance, but the caliper doesn't lie. Alternatively, it could be fluid build-up. Still, that would have to be a lot of fluid to affect my measurements in such a drastic way. That having been said, I have seen this kind of dramatic negative progress once before in week 13- that whole week my diet had been unhealthy, which was not the case this week. I am not pleased with these results. Time to change something.

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