Monday 14 May 2012

Day 162. Creatine

Day 162 photo

Consumed 2550 calories. Lifted weights, "core cardio and balance" workout.

Two things: 1) I've decided that on days when I can't do my daily commute by bike due to weather I will do the Insanity "core cardio and balance" workout. The calorie burn and duration of exercise come out to be about the same. 2) Creatine is the new love of my life.

Creatine is one of the few fitness supplements that have stood the test of time. It's been used for many years now by many people, athletes and bodybuilders alike, to increase power output during anaerobic exercise. About a week ago I received a container of pure creatine monohydrate for free as part of a promotion, but I didn't try it until today and Oh. My. God! During my weight training I kept checking the weights because it felt like I'd accidentally picked up a 10 kg lighter one by mistake. Seriously. I was absolutely blown away by how light the weights felt. Creatine, where have you been all my life?

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