Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 171. Yerba mate

Day 171 photo

Consumed 2150 calories. Lifted weights.

I got about 2 hours of sleep last night because I made the terrible mistake of drinking Yerba mate in the late afternoon. This is a type of tea that is most commonly drunk in South America in a social setting. There is even a special drinking vessel and metal straw to go with it! It's typically drunk in a hollowed out and dried gourd through a metal straw. The loose tea leaves are placed in the gourd and hot water poured over them. As one person drains the gourd, he/she refills it with hot water and passes it on to the next person and so on. The tea leaves are not replaced with each draining because somehow they retain their strength even after several steeps. And now to the point, Yerba mate is very high in caffeine, higher than coffee. It also contains other mental stimulants. I drank one cup of this at about 4pm yesterday and ended up lying awake in bed with my eyes wide open for most of the night. I fell into a very light sleep towards morning that can be more accurately described as hypnagogia rather than actual sleep.

This morning I drank another cup of mate, brewed using the same leaves as yesterday's cup, and I felt completely normal all day, until I went to do my weight lifting routine. Even though I had mental clarity and focus, my body was obviously feeling the effects of the lack of sleep because I was struggling SO MUCH throughout my entire routine from start to finish. Never again will I attempt to lift weights without a full night's sleep.

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