Sunday 22 April 2012

Day 140. Apple tart + Week 20 stats

Day 140 photo

Consumed 1900 calories. Rest day.

It occurred to me last night that I hadn't yet celebrated finishing my second round of insanity. So today I made an apple tart with peanut butter caramel. It was yummy, but I ate so much of it that I can't look at the rest now without wanting to throw up. Funny how I ate less than my target calorie goal on my reward day. I just wasn't hungry all day since it happened to be a rest day. Things worked out quite well. So from now on I will have reward meals/days on my rest days so I don't overeat or want to overeat.

Week 20 stats (in bold):
Stomach: 30.0 in -> 30.0
Chest: 30.0 in -> 30.0
Biceps: 9.75 in -> 10.0
Hips: 35.5 in -> 35.5
Thigh: 18.25 in -> 18.25
Calf: 13.25 in -> 13.25
Waist: 26.5 in -> 26.5

Weight: 127.6 lbs -> 127.0

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