Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 137. Fail

Day 137 photo

Consumed 2550 calories. Did the "core cardio and balance" workout.

Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I caved and exercised. My excuse is that I was feeling some muscle soreness and needed a stretch, but no, the reality is that I wanted an exercise fix. I didn't think I was getting that bad, but I probably am developing exercise bulimia.

Anyway, today was also supposed to be a maintenance day where I eat 2450 calories. As you can see above, I ate 100 calories too many. Not such a big deal, except those calories were pure sugar and fat from FUDGE. I couldn't resist buying some at the mall today. Sigh. But it wasn't just 100 calories of fudge I ate. It was at least 300, probably closer to 400. Sigh again.

Today was all kinds of fail. But tomorrow! Tomorrow will be either awesome or epic fail. I have a body composition test in the morning followed by a session with my personal trainer. He's going to be watching me set a new 5 rep max for all of my weight lifting exercises.

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