Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 52. Reflections on the deal

Day 52 photo

Consumed 1750 calories. Did the "max cardio conditioning" and "insane abs" workouts. Commuted to work by cycling.

Since making that deal with my friend I've noticed a change in my mentality. Instead of exercising/eating clean to get a better body, I'm now doing it to avoid the punishment. Fitness is now the lesser of two evils. I'm not sure how I feel about this change, but it IS effective. For example, right before indulging in some free brownies that had been set out in the lunch room at work, I remembered the deal and thought "Do I really want to give my friend $500 and be his toilet maid for 5 months?" and didn't indulge. Furthermore, I was hungry and thought about food for a good portion of today where usually I'm not hungry, but instead of eating more I thought about the deal and abstained. Certainly an interesting way to motivate.

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