Monday 9 January 2012

Day 36. 1st day of month 2 of Insanity

Day 36 photo

Consumed 1700 calories. Did the "fit test" and "max interval circuit" workouts.

My fit test results:

Switch kicks: 80 -> 112
Power jacks: 59 -> 60
Power knee: 103 -> 103
Power jumps: 25 -> 28
Globe jumps: 8 -> 9
Suicide jumps: 13 -> 13
Pushup jacks: 22 -> 25
Low plank obliques: 49 -> 55

Overall, my results improved or stayed the same. I'm quite happy. After the fit test, I did the max circuit. It was SO DIFFICULT. I had to stop many times to catch my breath. It really didn't help that I did this workout right after the fit test, which had left me breathless already. Luckily, this sort of thing- two workouts in one day- doesn't happen often. Looking forward to seeing results!

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