Monday 2 January 2012

Day 29. Revelation

Day 29 photo

Consumed 1850 calories. Did the "core and balance" workout.

Today I realized the reason why my weight hasn't been changing. It's because I've been slowly increasing my caloric intake as my appetite increased! This should have been obvious but for whatever reason I didn't see it before. In essence, what I've done in the last month was to increase my metabolism to a normal level. This next month I will keep eating ~1800 calories/day and probably put in a higher calorie day every 3-4 days. Since the workouts will get harder and longer once this week is over, I foresee my metabolism increasing even more. So the next month I should start seeing changes. Fingers crossed. My body has rebelled against changing for the last several years, I'm going to try my hardest to make it change this time.

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