Sunday 22 January 2012

Day 50. The deal

Day 50 photo

Calories may be on the low side today, will update later. Did the "fit test" and "max cardio circuit" workouts.

Consumed 950 calories.

Fit test results:
Switch kicks: 112 -> 118
Power jacks: 60 -> 60
Power knee: 103 -> 103
Power jumps: 28 -> 36
Globe jumps: 9 -> 9
Suicide jumps: 13 -> 16
Pushup jacks: 25 -> 28
Low plank obliques: 55 -> 62

Today I made a deal with a friend that I would reach <20% body fat by June 10th or else I would give him $500 and clean his toilet every week for 5 months. SHIT JUST GOT REAL.

Here are the details of the deal.

Goal: <20% body fat by 10/6

Starting body fat percentage as of 22/1: 24.4%

23.4% by 19/2
22.4% by 18/3
21.4% by 15/4
20.4% by 13/5

I will email my friend a weekly progress report by mid-day of every Monday until I reach my goal or until 10/6, whichever comes first.

He will contact me in a manner of his choosing on Monday to ask for my report if he does not see a report from me in his email inbox by mid-day Monday.

If my progress report is unsatisfactory, there will be a warning the first time, and a punishment of some sort the second time. The punishment will be decided at his discretion.

I will give him $500 and clean his toilet every week for 5 months if any of the following occurs:
-I fail to give him a report after his prompt
-I fail to give him a report by mid-day Monday two weeks in a row
-I fail to meet my mini-goals by more than 0.4%
-I fail to reach <20% body fat by 10/6

The deal is off if I experience:
-medical emergencies
-alien abduction

I got the idea to do this from this article:

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