Saturday 14 July 2012

Day 223. Calories in vs. calories out

Calories in: +1801
Calories out: -2480
Deficit: -679 (27%)

A friend of mine logs his caloric consumption using calories in vs. calories out, which is probably a lot more meaningful than what I have been logging (food intake and exercises). So I will switch over to that method of logging from now on.

Some clarifications
"Calories in" is how many calories taken in through food. "Calories out" is the total calorie burn for the day, which includes basal metabolic rate (BMR), non-exercise associated thermogenesis (NEAT), thermic effect of feeding (TEF), and exercise associated thermogenesis (EAT).

How I calculate all these numbers
BMR: 370 + (lean body mass in kg * 21.6) <-Katch-McArdle formula
NEAT: (1.2 * BMR) - BMR <- I have a fairly sedentary job, so I'm using the activity factor of 1.2 to calculate total daily needs without exercise. In other words: 0.2 * BMR
TEF: 0.15 * calories in
EAT: heart rate monitor

All this is by no means exact! The numbers are estimates and do change on a day-to-day basis. The formula for calculating TEF is for an average mixed diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fat and becomes much less accurate when applied to extreme diets (e.g. ketogenic diet) since the different macronutrients produce different thermic effects. And then there's this thing called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which I have no way of tracking whatsoever. EPOC is a temporary increase in BMR (or maybe resting metabolic rate? I don't remember which) due to exercise. The amount and duration of increase differ depending on the type and duration of exercise performed (aerobic [steady state or HIIT] or anaerobic). I've read variously that the extra calorie burn from EPOC can be anywhere from 5-15% of the EAT. This is a fairly negligible amount, and in any case it is impossible for me to track. Anyway, all the differences in the numbers account for the reason why fat loss isn't a linear process. Since there's no practical way for me to know what the daily changes in my BMR and NEAT are, I will keep those values constant. Both will be updated with each body composition test.

BMR: 370 + (48.6 * 21.6) = 1419
NEAT: 0.2 * 1419 = 283

This would be easier if I had something like fitbit or body media that tracks all of this for me. Alas, I have neither so I must do it by hand. I suppose in this way I have a better understanding of everything, but it's pretty annoying.

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