Monday 18 June 2012

Day 197. Applesauce substitute

Consumed 1850 calories. Weight lifting, Insanity.

As I went to bake some protein cake today, I discovered that I needed applesauce but had no applesauce or apples on hand! I certainly wasn't going to run out to buy some, so I improvised. What is applesauce really but pureed apples? And what is pureed apple but fiber and apple juice? From this line of reasoning, I decided to mix fiber in the form of oat bran with some mango orange juice in a 1:1 ratio. The result was a mixture that had an applesauce-like consistency and texture. Surprisingly (or maybe not?), 3 tbsp oat bran + 3 tbsp juice = 1/4 cup. The final baked product came out exactly as if I'd used applesauce! High five!

The ramifications of this discovery are profound. Not only can I put applesauce into baked goods, but also grapesauce, lemonsauce, and every other kind of fruit sauce! No longer am I confined to apples as the sole supplemental source of moisture and sweetness in my cakes etc!

Am I perhaps a little too excited about this? Nah :)

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